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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Time to dust this blog off......

........and try again. Wow. I can't believe that Halloween was my last post! Well, I guess I can believe it.

Time to try again!

While I'd like the main focus of this blog to be health and fitness, I have realized that I need to make other changes to my life in order to get not just my fitness program jump-started, but my life in general.

Although I have been working part time subbing in the schools, so far it has been very part time - I am basically a stay-at-home-mom these days and therefore without a set schedule. Even worse, I do not have any activities outside the home to keep me busy. When we lived in Indiana, I was always pretty active even as a SAHM with things like MOMS Club, scrapbooking with friends, etc. Here, I don't have a social circle to help me get out of the house and keep active. I do volunteer at the schools occasionally, but those opportunities don't arise often enough to keep me busy much.

The result? I spend a lot of time doing inactive things like surfing the internet for recipes, cooking (gets me up and moving, but also eating) or working on my blog(s). It's admittedly fun to have time to do these things, but at the same time, I spend TOO much time on them.

The lack of schedule has not only made me more sedentary, but also less organized with no real routine. So, I have more time on my hands than ever, but I feel like I'm getting less done than ever. Ironic, huh? I find that I put off what needs to be done because I can always do it some other time.

The only good thing to come out of this extra time is more cooking (as opposed to takeout) and at least a hobby of some sort - blogging. Still, cooking and blogging don't get the house clean or the bills paid. Actually, bills are one thing that I have been very organized about - we are on a tight budget, so I've really been keeping a very close eye on finances. And thank goodness. A disorganized house is one thing, mishandling finances another thing entirely!

Some people are natrually energetic and self-motivated. I am not one of those people. Therefore, I need to set up a few goals and get myself on some sort of schedule to keep myself going and accountable. I plan to put a few of FlyLady's principals to work here to help me get started. More on FlyLady later. And to be fair - it's not as if the house is in terrible disarray - it's not - but it could be better and I let things (like laundry) go too long and there are quite a few projects that I would like to get done that I keep putting off and putting off, for no really good reason at all.

To get things started, I'll set a few fairly simple goals:

1. Exercise 5 times a week.
2. Weight train 2 times a week.
3. Count calories.
4. Showered and dressed by 9:00 a.m.
5. One load of laundry per day.
6. Make a "to do" list and accomplish at least one thing off that list every day.

Some of these goals may sound pretty silly to some of you, but this is my reality at the moment - I need a major kick in the butt! I'm going to start small and add on and/or change these goals as weeks progress.

That's it for today. Just enough to get things started. As FlyLady says......babysteps!


Blogger Erika W. said...

Hey, do you have a camera in my house or something? Seriously. One of the biggest pitfalls of a SAHM (to me) is that there is always tomorrow or another day to accomplish what should be done today. I've really been trying to make a conscious effort to keep myself more busy- even if it's just housework, housework still burns calories more than blogging does.

I keep contemplating a post about my changes that I am making in my every day stuff, but I'm not sure where it would fit exactly. Maybe I'll make it a part of a Wednesday post...

2:44 PM  
Blogger Alysha said...

Hi Erika. :) I don't know how much progress I'm making, but I gotta keep trying..........speaking of which.....my kitchen is a mess...... ;-)

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Alysha,

Not sure if you are still checking your blog. This was posted almost a year ago and so I don't know where your year has taken you. Like you I am spending more time at home and spend way too much time on the internet reading mail, sending mail, the day seems to just slip away. I have a home based business and it's a disciplinary action approach that i have to take with myself to keep a schedule.

I received a set of DVD's Billy Blanks Tae-Bo tapes with a 3 lb bar and I have finally taken it up on a regular basis to GET MOVING.

My goals for 2008 are Marketing my business, low-fat cooking for the new year, managing our businesses more keenly, finding fresh approaches to each day. Prayer and positive attitude for everything in our lives with a grateful heart.

I hope you enter the new year refreshed with ideas and energy!


11:59 AM  
Blogger Alysha said...

Hi Cheryl. I don't do anything with this blog anymore, but I do get emails if someone leaves a comment. This year has taken me in positive directions, but none of them having to do with fitness! I'm gearing up to get going on SparkPeople - I hope this time I'll actually follow through! I'm working part time now, so it definitely helps to have me getting out the house and not holed up inside where it's so much easier for me to stay in denial.

Take care. I probably won't be using this blog to track my progress - it makes more sense for me to do it over at SparkPeople where I am surrounded by motivation. Check it out - you might find it useful.

3:35 PM  

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