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Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekly Weigh-in and Goals

Good morning!

I need to crank off more posts to get this blog filled up a bit!

Each week, plan to do a weigh-in. I'll step on the scale and post my progress. That said, I must say that I am NOT a slave to my scale. It is simply one tool I use to track my progress and get a handle on where things are headed.

The scale can be a tricky thing though. For instance, I have not done much exercise other than walking lately and I have not counted calories in a very long time. Even so, the scale was down today and has been in what seems like a bit of a decline lately. Sounds like good news, right? Yes and no. My clothes are just as tight as ever. This leads me to believe that I may be losing muscle mass since I have not been doing any weight training. Still, the scale is not going UP and that's a very good thing. If indeed I am losing muscle mass, as I start to incorporate weight training into my workout routine, I need to remember that the scale may not move much - I may be losing some fat, but I will hopefully be gaining muscle as well. Where I should feel the difference, though, is in my clothes. I really want to feel the difference in my clothes! I have lots of clothes that don't fit any more and instead of buying new clothes, I'd simply like to fit into the clothes I already have!

So, what are my goals? My main goal is to lose about 15 pounds. To get there, I plan to:
  1. Exercise 5-7 times a week. Even if it's just for 20-30 minutes, I'd like to try to do something every day.
  2. Weight train at least 2 times per week. Just a start. Hopefully I will up that as time goes on.
  3. Count calories - sticking to about 1200-1800 calories per day with an average of 1500 per day. On weight training days, I tend to allow myself more calories. On days I don't exercise much, I try to cut back.
Eat less, exercise more and build muscle. That pretty much sums it up. I don't like to set too many goals at first - it's too overwhelming. Baby steps. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Something is always better than nothing.

It's so hard to know where to start blogging about this - there are so many things to talk about! When I write about health and weight loss goals, so many things rush into my mind and one train of thought leads off into other trains of thought. It's hard to focus on just one thought or idea at a time.

I think I'll start blogging about it in the same manner I set my goals - baby steps. A little at a time. In that spirit, I'll end my post for the day here.

Here is the ticker I am using to show you all my weight loss progress. I'd like to find one that actually saves your setting for you, but this is the only one I've found so far.

my-calorie-counter.com The webs free Calorie Counter


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm cheering for you!

By the way, something is showing up in the header of your page, right before the "blogger toolbar" covers it up. It's a pair of comments. It's probably supposed to be enclosed by some php tags <php and >. Let me know if you need help fixing it.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Alysha said...

Hi Misty. Thanks for stopping by. :)

I think those things you see are because I wiped out one template and replaced it with a totally different one. I just never got around to figuring out what I needed to do to prevent those and they don't seem to interfere..........

9:11 PM  

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